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The New Prefecture 2021/2022 commissioned.

It was a privilege to us to host the Bishop of West Buganda Diocese, Rt. Rev. Henry Katumba Tamale and his wife Rev. Can. Elizabeth Julia Katumba Tamale. The Bishop was the guest preacher and officiated at the inauguration of the new school prefectural body 2021/2022. Many students gave their life to Jesus to be their personnel Lord and saviour. The out going prefecture (The Eagle eye) led by the former Head prefect Walulya Fred donated 2 stretchers to the school sick bay. We thank them for their generosity and good leader ship service rendered to the school.

The new prefecture 2021/2022 sworn in.
Rt. Rev. Henry Katumba Tamale and his wife Rev. Can. Elizabeth Julia Katumba Tamale.
The out going prefecture 2020/2021
Two Stretchers were donated by the out going prefecture to the school sick bay.

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