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Digital Science & Virtual Lab (DSVL) is a software developed and distributed by Cyber School Technology Solutions (CSTS). CSTS, an education-service Company based in Uganda, has been in partnership with the Ministry of Education & Sports (MoES) and the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC).

The Digital Science and Virtual Lab software has the Ugandan ‘O’ level science curriculum digitized, with clear animations, captivating images, sound effects and clear simplified explanations of concepts to make the rather difficult science concepts easier to understand, learn and to remember.

With its Virtual Laboratory, the child can practice science experiments and practicals even from home. The other features of the software include;•Full curriculum coverage of O-level Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.•6,000 animations explaining complex concepts in colour, 2 and 3 dimensional. •Full curriculum coverage – 120 topics / 373 sub-topics with tests and quizzes •Local examples in Local voice.•157 Experiments and Practicals – in the Virtual Laboratory. •Can be used for teaching by teachers and revision by students.•Developed and deployed by Cyber School Technology Solutions, Uganda.• Requires no Internet. The software is installed (full O Level content) on a laptop or desktop.

CSTS’ relationship with Ndejje Secondary School began in 2007, when the school signed an agreement to install the software, train teachers and students and provide regular follow-up services. Science teachers and “O” Level students have been using the software, for close to 14 years. Grades have improved in the sciences.

There has been an interruption by the Covid 19 pandemic and subsequent schools’ lockdown. To address this challenge, CSTS now offers the software directly to individual students (through their parents) on personal/home computers, so that students may continue to use the software even at home. Parents can now obtain Digital Science software, for the benefit of our students, directly from Cyber School Technology Solutions Limited.

A parent may take his/her laptop or desktop computer to Cyber School offices, at UMA Show Grounds, Jinja, Lugogo, Kampala (near Nakawa Market) for installation, at an affordable fee. This is part of the ongoing program we are engaged in with CSTS, whereby teachers and students are using Digital Science & Virtual Lab software, for teaching and learning.Please also visit CSTSwebsite www.cyberschooltech.co.ug, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfSyVKFV4koandwww.facebook.com/cstsugor call 0393 278855, email info@cyberschooltech.co.ug, for more information.

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CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW CLASSROOM BLOCK This block will help us to create a comfortable conducive environment for our learners.