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Ndejje sss Junior Achievement Club made us proud again…

Ndejje SSS Patron of the Junior Achievement Club Mr. Peter Kaziro was yesterday declared the National Teacher of the Year 2019 by Junior Achievement Uganda. This was done during the Uganda Junior Achievement Company of the Year Competitions held at Seeta High School. It was in recognition of his efforts in promoting Junior Achievement activities. In these particular competitions Ndejje SSS presented 7 companies, the highest number from any school. The first runners up and second runners up positions were taken by Ndejje. In 2017 when Ndejje SSS WOT Art was declared Company of the Year, it went on to win two awards in the Africa Regional Company of the Year Competitions held in Johannesburg. Ndejje SSS also represented Uganda in the Global Youth Forum in Mexico where Uganda was 14th out of 52 countries. Congratulations Mr. Kaziro. You have made us proud. (By Dr. Charles Kahigiriza)

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