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Dedication service for S.4 candidates 2021

We take this opportunity to thank you our dear parents, old students and friends for attending the “scientific” dedication service for UCE candidates 2021 yesterday via our different media platforms. The service was graced by Rt. Rev. Dr. Joel Obetia, the retired Bishop of Madi-West Nile Diocese. He was assisted by Ven. Can. James Ebil (The Archdeacon Ndejje Archdeaconry), Rev. Betty Wonyaka (Ass. Vicar Ndejje Archdeaconry) and Rev. Moses Ssenyonyi (School Chaplain). A lot of activities took place; The Legacy project (Compound chairs) for the S.4 candidates 2021 was commissioned by the Bishop. One candidate was baptized. Many candidates gave their lives to Christ. Outstanding students were awarded with certificates of compliance. Class teachers of S.4 were also gifted by the S.4 Legacy government. Lastly the S.6 candidates 2021 will be dedicated on 28th March 2021 via the same media platforms. More pictures are loading……….

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